Canine scavenging of human remains. From DW Steadman and H Worne. (2007) in Forensic Science International.

Read the rest here.

Fake birds in film, in flight, in empty spaces. What do they mean? Why are they there? Read the essay in the Atlantic here.

There are so many ways to say something :: read more here at Dear Data - an information visualisation project

A good lesson on how to write so you get what you want. Grants, papers, and all of it. From Show Your Work, by Austin Kleon

This view is going into my novel. GOMA, Brisbane.

Check them.

Art by Bilyk Nazar. See the rest here.

When an iceberg flips. Read the article in Smithsonian Mag here.

It's important we make our work MEAN something. Another gem by Austin Kleon.

Read the rest in Salon here.

If our bodies evolved to withstand low-impact crashes, we might look like Graham.

Red Coral, a sculpture by Michelle Maher

A newt can regenerate its limbs throughout its lifetime, but how it does so changes after metamorphosis. Read the paper by Tanaka et al. (2016) at Nature Communications here.

Read the rest of the essay here.

Watch this movie :: The Wolf Children

Read the whole poem at Waxwing here.

At One, by Charlotte Kingsnorth - a sofa inspired by obesity

The Erl-King:
one of my very favourite short stories, by Sarah Shun-lien Bynum (read it at The New Yorker here.)
Also, a puppet by Layla Holzer

Limb development of the Tammar Wallaby up to the day before "birth" (image E), when the embryo climbs from the uterus to the pouch - from Keng Yih Chew et al. 2012 BMC Developmental Biology
Read more about marsupial birth and the lead-up to it at ABC Science, here.

Listen to the poem at The Poetry Foundation, here.

For Iman, who gave us a world. From The Art of My Neighbor Totoro, by Hazao Miyazaki (2005)

One of my most favourite poems: The Supple Deer, by Jane Hirshfield. Read it at Orion, here.
Illustration from An Atlas of Animal Anatomy for Artists, by Wilhelm Ellenberger (1956)

Mano en piedi, by Alessandro Boezio (2009)